For the first time Poly-clip System was awarded the prestigious FT MEAT TECHNOLOGY AWARD 2022 industry prize in the category processing machines. The jury of experts awarded the prize to the company for the FCA 160 XL clipping machine, which has a special application. This application increases the holding force of the clip with loops with minimum setup time and maximum safety when hanging particularly heavy products weighing up to 18 kg - a unique selling point in the clipping machine sector. The award ceremony took place on May 15, 2022 at IFFA, the leading international trade fair for the meat industry in Frankfurt am Main.
The FT MEAT TECHNOLOGY AWARD 2022 is presented by the trade journals FT FLEISCHEREI TECHNIK / FT MEAT TECHNOLOGY and FH FLEISCHER-HANDWERK. The award honors outstanding innovations by suppliers to the meat industry in the categories of automation, cutting technology, processing machines and digitization/process control.

Press contact
Poly-clip System GmbH & Co. KG
Niedeckerstraße 1
65795 Hattersheim a. M.